Friday, March 4, 2011

{Jitterbug: Music for Hip Kids}

There's a great site for parents of preschoolers that we came across recently called Jitterbug: Music for Hip Kids. When listening to kids music, most parents have had the feeling - "If i hear that song one more time I'll scream!"  Head over to Jitterbug and find some fun new music to listen to with your little ones.

Jitterbug has tons of familiar music - songs from Jack Johnson, Lisa Loeb, The Song from "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" or Nora Jones singing "Don't Know 'Y'" with Elmo; and they also have
"Kindie" (a combination of "Kids" and "Independent") music groups that you may not have heard of yet - The Sippy Cups, Swingset Mamas.  My new favorite is "Goin on a Road Trip" by Suzi Shelton.

You can watch videos, listen to songs, or listen to the Jitterbug "radio" station. The site was founded by a couple of dads whose preschoolers, like most preschoolers, loved listening to music.  They said,"instead of subjecting ourselves to those awful tunes (you know, the ones that irritate and don't hold up to repeated listening!), we found there are lots of musicians making music for kids that parents could love too."

Check out Jitterbug to find some fun new music for your preschoolers.  Don't miss"The Animal Song" by Aaron Nigel Smith, Suzi Shelton's version of "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" or "Brain Freeze" by The Baby Grands.

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Smart and Trendy Moms has no connection in anyway to Jitterbug.    Smart and Trendy Moms finds products, ideas, projects, recipes, and other information that we have personally found helpful or interesting.  As always, it is up to you to determine what is appropriate for you, your children, and your situation.  See our Disclosure